Thursday, May 29, 2008


No matter how much we deodorize and spill buckets of cologne or perfume on, at one point in the day we will start to get a little funky. This is because, whether we like it or not, we will seat even if we are just sitting down. Our bodies may become over heated and begin to perspirate to cool our bodies down. Unfortunately, perspiration, or sweat, doesn't smell like roses and some people's body odor is stronger than others.

Perspiration is a cooling mechanism in your body. Your body releases water onto your skin which evaporates and helps to cool you. Most people think that sweat in itself actually stinks, but, it doesn't. When the water is released onto your skin it begins to stink because of the bacteria on your skin which starts to release smelly natural chemicals. This is a problem, especially for teenagers. During puberty hormones are fluctuating and changing. During this stage of life sweat glands become ore active and different odors may appear stronger around the armpits, feet and genital areas. It is critical that you bathe daily and you use deodorant or antiperspirant. using perfume and cologne is great to smell fresh but it will not last the entire day and isn't strong enough to mask odors. When bathing you should use mild soap or body wash and warm water so you can wash away the bacteria that contribute to the smells. If you find that you sweat a lot, clothes made from cotton will help absorb sweat more effectively. Adults and teens should follow these tips in order to clean the right way and stay smelling good.

Not everyone needs to wear deodorants, or over use deodorant. If you hardly sweat and you shower daily and use clean clothes then you don't need deodorant or antiperspirant unless you find that your body is giving off a bad odor. Deodorant and antiperspirant sommercials try to convince people into thinking that they need it when in fact some do not. Everyone's body chemistry is different which is why some people smell stronger than others.

Also remember that what comes out of your body reflects what you put in. A plant based diet is an internal deoderizer. So it would be good to have a salad or two once in a while! (Ex. parsley, oregano, sage, cilantro, celery, rosemary, etc.)
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