Steroids are a group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of proteinand the growth of tissue. As of 2004, there are four types of anabolic steroids which are, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone, Oxymetholone, and Stanzolol.(http://www.answers.com/topic/anabolic-steroid?cat=health) Anobolic steroids are synthetic drugs similar to the male hormone, testosterone. They can be taken as tablets, in powder form or by intramuscular injection. These steroids imporve muscle growth, strength and power. Many times these steroids are used by athletes. These drugs are usually precribed to people who have anaemia, breast cancer and post-surgical muscle wasting.
Here in the U.S. steroids is becoming a problem amongst athletes and body builders, and even young males looking to have a leaner body. Those who abuse the steroids may feel stronger, more agressive and confident. Adults who take anabolic steroids can be affected psychologically, their livers may be damaged, and may suffer heart disorders. Famous athletes like Bary Bonds, Mark McGuire, and Jason Giambi have all testified to using steroids in order to "up their game".(http://media.www.berkeleybeacon.com/media/storage/paper169/news/2004/12/09/Sports/SeventhInningStretch.SteroidUsing.Players.Should.Be.Banned-826448.shtml) The side effects include {men} shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts and for adolescents, their growth stops prematurely from premature skeletal maturation and may also see accelerated puberty changes. Research says that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility. (http://www.drugfree.org/Portal/Drug_guide/Steroids) Basically the steroids drug can almost change your character when taken frequently. It causes you to act irrationally then you would otherwise.
In my opinoin steroids should be left to the doctors fro medicine. People need to love their bodies the way it is instead of pumping "juice" into themselves! the side effects are not worth all the effort and money of steroids. I also feel that it is unfair for athletes to use steroids to increase their power and skills during a game. Athletes are chosen through there natural skills and power, steroids is a hormonal drug that makes them better, which is n't fair to all the other players. In my opinion that is CHEATING...If you can't play fair go home!
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