HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a retrovirus which in most cases leads to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus). This conditions causes the immune system to fail. The immune system is the part of your body which protects you from sicknesses and diseases, and so when it begins to fail, it can become life threatening. This life threatening virus is passes on from human to human through semen, vaginal secretion, open wounds (where blood can enter another persons open wound). Infected pregnant women can pass the disease onto their children during pregnancy or delivery, or even brest feeding. ( In the Hispanic Community the numv=ber of infected people is increasing.
In 2006 a study shows that hispanics accounted for 18% of the 35,314 new HIV/AIDS cases in 33 states with long-term, confidential name based HIV reporting. (
Every who is sexually active, whether they are hispanic or not needs to be responsible and protect themselves. AIDS and HIV are a serious illness. In order to keep it from spreading we must constantly get tested and use contraception that will not allow us to be infected or infect someone else. Too many people die every year from this terrible disease and it is up to us to try to control it.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Heatlh Care Crisis

America is a country of great oppotunities. We are able to obtain so many things that our country has to offer to almost everyone, in which other countries are not as fortunate. People have access to free organizations which offer things like free breakfast on weekends to children, and planned parent hood. Our country also has some of the best doctors and medicine in the world. However, we are starting to see negative things effect health care.
The United States is the only industrial country that does not have universal health care. Meaning that not everyone is offered health care, some cannot afford it or are simply not qualified for certain health care insurances. Research finds that lack of insurance is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranked the United States health care system 37th in the world for quality and 55th for fairness. Considering that we are one of the richest countries in the world why is this happening?(
This health care insurance crisis had mostly affected poor or nearly poor families but now is affecting others as well. Today the health care insurance crisis is becoming a problem in the middle class homes; where people earn from $25,000 to $49,999 and even some families who earn a little over $50,000 a year. Since health insurance usually is provided through your emplyment, the vast number of people who are not employed do not hav ehealth insurance. Health insurance is also becoming more unaffordable to many people and so they choose to not have insurance at all. (
I think that Congress seriously needs to focus on this "health care crisis" issue. People should not be dying because they don't have health insurance. If the Constitution says that we are all equal, then why don't we all have equal opportunity to health care insurance. Health insurance needs to be more affordable according to the persons salary and size of immediate family {children, husband/wife}.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Steroids are a group of synthetic hormones that promote the storage of proteinand the growth of tissue. As of 2004, there are four types of anabolic steroids which are, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone, Oxymetholone, and Stanzolol.( Anobolic steroids are synthetic drugs similar to the male hormone, testosterone. They can be taken as tablets, in powder form or by intramuscular injection. These steroids imporve muscle growth, strength and power. Many times these steroids are used by athletes. These drugs are usually precribed to people who have anaemia, breast cancer and post-surgical muscle wasting.
Here in the U.S. steroids is becoming a problem amongst athletes and body builders, and even young males looking to have a leaner body. Those who abuse the steroids may feel stronger, more agressive and confident. Adults who take anabolic steroids can be affected psychologically, their livers may be damaged, and may suffer heart disorders. Famous athletes like Bary Bonds, Mark McGuire, and Jason Giambi have all testified to using steroids in order to "up their game".( The side effects include {men} shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts and for adolescents, their growth stops prematurely from premature skeletal maturation and may also see accelerated puberty changes. Research says that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility. ( Basically the steroids drug can almost change your character when taken frequently. It causes you to act irrationally then you would otherwise.
In my opinoin steroids should be left to the doctors fro medicine. People need to love their bodies the way it is instead of pumping "juice" into themselves! the side effects are not worth all the effort and money of steroids. I also feel that it is unfair for athletes to use steroids to increase their power and skills during a game. Athletes are chosen through there natural skills and power, steroids is a hormonal drug that makes them better, which is n't fair to all the other players. In my opinion that is CHEATING...If you can't play fair go home!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Birth control....What a miracle for women! Imagine only having to take a small pill everyday, each month, which would prevent pregnancy at a rate of 99% when used correctly. It is a phenomena that has been on the market for many years now. Women all over the world are currently using their birth control prescriptions to avoid the risk of pregnancy. Just how good are these tiny pills? What do they do for us women? Could something this great have a terrible effect on our bodies, or is it simply just another a form of protection?
Today a high percentage of teenage girls are turning to birth control as one of their first options to protect themselves against pregnancy. Sexual activity has become one of the most difficult decisions for teens to deal with. There is a huge responsibility that comes with the decision of having sex. The first responsibilty is using contraception and this is where birth control comes into play. The use of birth control by teenage girls has risen. In a study in 2003 about 61% of teens (15-19 yrs old) admitted to using birth control pills while being sexually active.(
The effectiveness of the pill comes with a catch. It must be taken daily at a consistant time. The effectiveness of the pill itself is measured according to how many women become pregnant during the first year of using oral contraception. In typical oral contraception pills the failure rate (occuring pregnancies) is about 5% per year. ( This is usually due to ineffective usage. The birth control pill is a tiny tablet taken daily that is made of synthetic female hormones such as progestin and estrogen (which are normally produced by the ovaries). The pills prevent pregnancy by suppressing the pituitary gland, preventing the development and release of an egg in the ovary. The progestin also changes the lining of the uterus and stops the sperm from reaching the egg. Due to the fact that not all women will be able to take the pill perfectly (everyday at the same time) oral contraception is considered 95% effective, Although when used correctly it can be 99% effective or more. ( However, the pills do have side effects. The minor side effects are, light bleeding between menstrual periods, weight change, nausea, skipped periods, an increase in vaginal infections, and bloating. The greater side affects of the birth control pills are much more serious; they include, heart attacks, stroke or blood clots. These side affects usually occur in older women (35 yrs +), women who smoke, or women with health problems (see doctor) (
The bottom line ladies and gentlemen, is that birth control is a great form of contraception for those who are ready to take on the responsibilities that come with it. Most women do benefit from the pill. Please see your doctor for further information about birth control and more varieties of contraception. Also, remember that birtch control pills DO NOT PROTECT YOU FROM STD's!!!!
Today a high percentage of teenage girls are turning to birth control as one of their first options to protect themselves against pregnancy. Sexual activity has become one of the most difficult decisions for teens to deal with. There is a huge responsibility that comes with the decision of having sex. The first responsibilty is using contraception and this is where birth control comes into play. The use of birth control by teenage girls has risen. In a study in 2003 about 61% of teens (15-19 yrs old) admitted to using birth control pills while being sexually active.(
The effectiveness of the pill comes with a catch. It must be taken daily at a consistant time. The effectiveness of the pill itself is measured according to how many women become pregnant during the first year of using oral contraception. In typical oral contraception pills the failure rate (occuring pregnancies) is about 5% per year. ( This is usually due to ineffective usage. The birth control pill is a tiny tablet taken daily that is made of synthetic female hormones such as progestin and estrogen (which are normally produced by the ovaries). The pills prevent pregnancy by suppressing the pituitary gland, preventing the development and release of an egg in the ovary. The progestin also changes the lining of the uterus and stops the sperm from reaching the egg. Due to the fact that not all women will be able to take the pill perfectly (everyday at the same time) oral contraception is considered 95% effective, Although when used correctly it can be 99% effective or more. ( However, the pills do have side effects. The minor side effects are, light bleeding between menstrual periods, weight change, nausea, skipped periods, an increase in vaginal infections, and bloating. The greater side affects of the birth control pills are much more serious; they include, heart attacks, stroke or blood clots. These side affects usually occur in older women (35 yrs +), women who smoke, or women with health problems (see doctor) (

The bottom line ladies and gentlemen, is that birth control is a great form of contraception for those who are ready to take on the responsibilities that come with it. Most women do benefit from the pill. Please see your doctor for further information about birth control and more varieties of contraception. Also, remember that birtch control pills DO NOT PROTECT YOU FROM STD's!!!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Life can take its toll on everyone, even children. Fortunately for the United States we have a great health care system compared to many countries all over the world. We are lucky enough to have well educated doctors, from all over the world, and have access to thousands of great medicines. Childrens immune systems are not as strong as adults and so they are more suseptable to getting sick and some are even born sick or carrying a disease.
It is sometimes hard to keep our little ones completely healthy simply because we cannot protect them from everything. In a study in 2003 84.7 % of children were reported to be in very good or excellent health, according to their parents. Despite this large number of healthy children, the health rate begins to decrease as children get older. The research showed that 86% of children under 5 were either in very good or excellent health, 84% in children ages 6-11, and 83% in children reaching adolescence at 12-17 years old. (
The study also shows that people with higher incomes have healthier children. The more likely answer for this is that those with higher incomes can afford better qualiry health insurace or can pay for certain medicines their doctors may not provide because their health insurance does not provide these medicines. The following quote gives further details of this--"Children with family incomes below 100 percent of the Federal poverty level (FPL) were least likely to be reported by parents to be in excellent or very good health (66.8 percent), followed by those with family incomes of 100 to 199 percent of FPL (80.9 percent), and those with family incomes of 200 to 399 percent of FPL (90.2 percent); children with family incomes of 400 percent of FPL or above were the most likely to be in excellent or very good health (93.8 percent)." Unfortunately those with lower income are not as fortunate to be able to buy these medicines and so their doctors are limited as to how they can treat the patients health.
It is sometimes hard to keep our little ones completely healthy simply because we cannot protect them from everything. In a study in 2003 84.7 % of children were reported to be in very good or excellent health, according to their parents. Despite this large number of healthy children, the health rate begins to decrease as children get older. The research showed that 86% of children under 5 were either in very good or excellent health, 84% in children ages 6-11, and 83% in children reaching adolescence at 12-17 years old. (
The study also shows that people with higher incomes have healthier children. The more likely answer for this is that those with higher incomes can afford better qualiry health insurace or can pay for certain medicines their doctors may not provide because their health insurance does not provide these medicines. The following quote gives further details of this--"Children with family incomes below 100 percent of the Federal poverty level (FPL) were least likely to be reported by parents to be in excellent or very good health (66.8 percent), followed by those with family incomes of 100 to 199 percent of FPL (80.9 percent), and those with family incomes of 200 to 399 percent of FPL (90.2 percent); children with family incomes of 400 percent of FPL or above were the most likely to be in excellent or very good health (93.8 percent)." Unfortunately those with lower income are not as fortunate to be able to buy these medicines and so their doctors are limited as to how they can treat the patients health.
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